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Analytics & Claims Management
Analytics & Claims Management

Streamline your claim creation, submission, and tracking processes.

Updated over 7 months ago

The reports in Osmind Analytics help streamline your claim creation, submission, and tracking processes. They offer comprehensive insights into your billing cycle, from identifying encounters that need claims to monitoring payment statuses and analyzing your revenue cycle.

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1. In-Network Encounters without a Claim or with Claim Issues


  • This worklist helps manage and submit claims for in-network encounters.

Key Features

  • Shows claims that need to be created or submitted.

  • Pulls in-network encounters only.

  • Various filters available (claim status, patient, date, provider, etc.).

  • Direct link to the corresponding note in Osmind.

Report Structure

The report includes the following columns:

  1. Rendering Provider Name: The name of the provider who performed the service.

  2. Patient Name: The name of the patient receiving the service.

  3. Appointment Date: The date and time of the appointment.

  4. Title: A brief description of the appointment or service.

  5. Note Type: The type of clinical note (e.g., Medical SOAP, Clinical Note, Evaluation Note).

  6. Link to Note: A direct URL to access the clinical note in Osmind.

  7. Note Claim Status: The current status of the claim (e.g., Draft, No Claim Found, Change Error).

  8. Insurance Claims Analytics β†’ Claim Created At: The date and time when the claim was created.

  9. Insurance Claims Analytics β†’ Patient Control Number: A unique identifier for the claim.

  10. Insurance Claims Analytics β†’ Claim Memo: Additional notes or information about the claim.

  11. Etl Loaded At: The date and time when the data was last updated in the analytics system.

How to Use

  1. Navigate to the "In-Network Encounters without a Claim or with Claim Issues" report.

  2. Use filters to sort and find specific claims (e.g., draft claims, no claim found).

  3. Click on the note link to access the specific encounter in Osmind.

  4. Review the claim status and other relevant information.

  5. Create or edit claims as needed, using the patient control number for reference.

  6. Pay attention to the "Etl Loaded At" date to ensure you're working with the most up-to-date information.

Important Notes

  • Ensure "Billing Type" is set to "in-network" when creating a note for it to appear in this report.

  • The "Note Claim Status" column is crucial for identifying which claims need attention:

    • "Draft": Claims that have been started but not submitted.

    • "No Claim Found": Encounters that need a claim to be created.

    • "Change Error": Claims that have encountered an error and need review.

  • Use the "Patient Control Number" for easy reference when communicating about specific claims.

  • The "Claim Memo" field can be used to add important notes about the claim for internal reference.

2. All Claims (Post Submission)


  • This worklist displays all submitted or adjudicated claims.

  • It provides a comprehensive view of claim statuses, financial information, and processing details.

Key Features

  • Detailed financial breakdown for each claim

  • Claim status tracking

  • Multiple insurance support

  • Date and time stamps for claim processing

Report Structure

The report includes the following columns:

  1. Patient Name: Name of the patient receiving the service.

  2. Patient Control Number: A unique identifier for the claim.

  3. Link to Claim: Direct URL to access the claim in the system.

  4. Claim Memo: Additional notes or information about the claim.

  5. Rendering Provider Name: The name of the provider who performed the service.

  6. Primary Insurance Name: The name of the patient's primary insurance.

  7. Secondary Insurance Name: The name of the patient's secondary insurance, if applicable.

  8. Note Location Pos Code: The place of service code for the encounter.

  9. Claim Status: Current status of the claim (e.g., Submitted, Adjudicated).

  10. Total Amount Dollars: The total amount billed for the claim.

  11. Total Adjustment Amount Dollars: Any adjustments made to the claim amount.

  12. Amount Dollars Due: The amount still due on the claim.

  13. Insurance Payment Dollars: The amount paid by the insurance.

  14. Patient Responsibility Dollars: The amount the patient is responsible for paying.

  15. Patient Payment Amount Dollars: The amount the patient has paid.

  16. Write Off Amount Dollars: Any amount written off by the provider.

  17. Era Payment Created At: Date and time when the ERA (Electronic Remittance Advice) payment was created.

  18. Era Payment Updated At: Date and time when the ERA payment was last updated.

  19. Payer Claim Control Number: A unique identifier assigned by the payer for the claim.

  20. Controlnumber: An internal control number for the claim.

  21. Etl Loaded At: Date and time when the data was last loaded into the analytics system.

  22. Days Since Claim Submission: Number of days elapsed since the claim was submitted.

How to Use

  1. Navigate to the "All Claims (Post Submission)" report.

  2. Use filters to sort and find specific claims based on status, patient, provider, or date range.

  3. Click on the "Link to Claim" to access the full claim details in Osmind.

  4. Review financial information to track payments, adjustments, and outstanding balances.

  5. Monitor claim statuses and processing times using the date fields and "Days Since Claim Submission" column.

Important Notes

  • The "Claim Status" field is crucial for understanding where each claim is in the processing cycle.

  • Pay attention to the "Amount Dollars Due" to identify claims that may need follow-up.

  • Use the "Era Payment Created At" and "Era Payment Updated At" fields to track when payments are processed by insurance companies.

  • The "Patient Responsibility Dollars" field helps identify amounts that may need to be billed to patients.

3. Insurance Payment Drilldown & Revenue Cycle Management

Insurance Payment Drilldown Report


The Insurance Payment Drilldown Report provides a detailed view of claim payments, focusing on the financial aspects and timelines of claim processing. This report is helpful for tracking payments, identifying delays, and managing your revenue cycle effectively.

Key Features

  • Detailed financial breakdown for each claim

  • Tracking of both electronic (ERA) and manual payments

  • Timeline analysis from claim submission to payment

  • Patient responsibility and write-off tracking

Report Structure

The report includes the following columns:

  1. Primary Insurance Name: The name of the patient's primary insurance provider.

  2. Patient Name: Name of the patient receiving the service.

  3. Patient Control Number: A unique identifier for the claim.

  4. Rendering Provider Name: The name of the provider who performed the service.

  5. Service Start Date: The date when the service was provided.

  6. Claim Submitted At: Date and time when the claim was submitted to the insurance.

  7. Era Payment Created At: Date and time when the electronic remittance advice (ERA) payment was created.

  8. Insurance Claim Manual Transaction Created At: Date and time when a manual payment transaction was recorded.

  9. Total Amount Dollars: The total amount billed for the claim.

  10. Insurance Payment Dollars: The amount paid by the insurance.

  11. Manual IP Amount Dollars: The amount of any manually entered insurance payment.

  12. Days from Submission to Payment: Number of days between claim submission and payment receipt.

  13. Patient Responsibility Dollars: The amount the patient is responsible for paying.

  14. Write Off Amount Dollars: Any amount written off by the provider.

  15. Claim Status: Current status of the claim (e.g., Adjudicated, Manually Submitted).

  16. Secondary Insurance Name: The name of the patient's secondary insurance, if applicable.

  17. Claim Created At: Date and time when the claim was initially created in the system.

  18. Payer Claim Control Number: A unique identifier assigned by the payer for the claim.

  19. Etl Loaded At: Date and time when the data was last loaded into the analytics system.

How to Use

  1. Navigate to the "Insurance Payment Drilldown" report.

  2. Use filters to sort and find specific claims based on insurance provider, patient, or date range.

  3. Review payment information to track received payments and outstanding balances.

  4. Monitor claim processing times using the "Days from Submission to Payment" column.

  5. Identify claims with manual transactions or adjustments for further review.

Important Notes

  • Pay attention to the "Claim Status" to understand where each claim is in the processing cycle.

  • The "Days from Submission to Payment" can help identify trends in payment processing times for different insurers.

  • Comparing "Total Amount Dollars" with "Insurance Payment Dollars" and "Patient Responsibility Dollars" can help identify potential underpayments or high patient responsibilities.

Revenue Cycle Management Reports

The Revenue Cycle Management Reports provide a comprehensive overview of your practice's financial performance, billing efficiency, and collection trends. These reports offer valuable insights to help you optimize your revenue cycle and identify areas for improvement.

Key Features

  • Interactive dashboard with customizable filters

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for quick insights

  • Detailed breakdowns of billing, collections, and accounts receivable

  • Visual representations of data for easy interpretation

Dashboard Components

  1. Filters

    • Rendering Provider

    • Date of Service

    • Claim Submission Date

    • Date of Payment

    • Primary Insurance Company

  2. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

    • Patient Visits (New)

    • Gross Charged (New)

    • Net Collections (New)

    • Accounts Receivable (New)

  3. How Much Did I Bill?

    • Gross Charged amount

    • Average Charged Per Encounter graph

    • Top 10 CPT Codes by Charge table

  4. How Much Did I Collect?

    • Net Collections amount

    • Net Insurance Collections amount

    • Amount Paid and Outstanding by Payer graph

  5. A/R Aging

    • A/R Aging overview pie chart

    • A/R Aging By Payer, Non-Adjudicated Claims graph

How to Use

  1. Start by setting the desired filters at the top of the dashboard to focus on specific date ranges, providers, or insurance companies.

  2. Review the KPIs for a quick snapshot of your practice's financial health.

  3. Analyze the "How Much Did I Bill?" section to understand your billing patterns and most common procedures.

  4. Examine the "How Much Did I Collect?" section to track your collections efficiency and identify any payers with significant outstanding balances.

  5. Use the A/R Aging reports to manage your accounts receivable and prioritize follow-up actions.

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